Strategy details
Fund Category : Equity Total Return
Target Return : 15% p.a.
Target Volatility : 15% p.a.
Regions Invested : Worldwide
Investable Universe : 6000 stocks, 50-150 invested
Risk Return Profile : High Risk
Fund details
Launch Date : March 2004
Currency : USD
Liquidity : Monthly
Investment Manager : Capital FM Ltd
Investment Advisor : Quant Asset Management Pte Ltd
Domicile : British Virgin Islands
Investor Type : Professional Investors
Share Classes :
Class A : Long Short Fund [Bloomberg QAMGLEQ VI / Lipper LP65025425]
Objective : To achieve absolute returns with low market correlation
Exposure : Long max 150% and Short max -150%
Gross Exposure : Avg. 250%, Max 300%
Net Exposure : [ -50% to +50%]
Subscription period : Closed to new investors [only for internal money]
Class B : Long Only Fund [Bloomberg QAMGBEQ VI / Lipper LP68242997]
Objective : To achieve 2 times of market returns with high market correlation
Exposure : Long 100% , Min 50%
Subscription period : monthly
Service providers
Administrator : Apex Fund Services (Singapore)
Custodian : Deutsche Bank AG London
Auditor : Crowe Horwath First Trust LLP Singapore
Counterparty : Deutsche Bank AG London
Fees Class A
Management Fee : 1.5%
Performance Fee : 20% (above high watermark)
Subscription Fee : up to 2.5% discretionary
Fees Class B
Management Fee : 1.0%
Performance Fee : 15% (above high watermark)
Subscription Fee : up to 2.5% discretionary
Investment term
Minimum Subscription : 1,000,000 USD
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